Kerala Handloom challenge Version 2.0


Tomorrow is National Handloom Day. Ever since the anniversary post of Handloom Challenge was posted, a lot of people have been asking if there is a challenge this year. Those messages have made it clear that, even in these tough times, there are a lot of benignant people inside and outside India who really want to do what they can for the society. So, let’s all join hands together for another ‘Handloom Challenge’. This year, we are embarking on a new journey to the weaving villages of Kerala. What if we set aside Rs.550 for a miserable lot who have been, for the past two years, could only weave a woeful life into the warp and woof of an otherwise propitious Onam and Vishu seasons.

Whether you are in Kozhikode or Kazakhstan, if you are a Malayalee, a ‘Thorthu Mundu’ (Dhoti) will always accompany you. In this Onam, let us buy 5 ‘Thorthu Mund’ or a ‘Kaavi Mundu’ for Rs. 550/- and gift them to our dear ones. It will be a great help to the handloom weavers who have been put in the shade of powerlooms for long. Also, you will not feel any prick of conscience for buying something useless. It is to be hoped that this small aid of ours will breathe a little life into the stifling Kerala handloom sector. It is up to us, as Keralites, to ensure that the age-old legacy of our weaving culture is not destroyed.

We have to do atleast this today, if we want to blow our horn of long-lived tradition tomorrow when people from distant lands come to our time-honoured God’s own country. Let us stand together with these national award-winning weaving groups in their efforts to revive their long-lost happiness. Join the challenge through Impressa’s website and pass on the message to more people.

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